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BA MSc Dr. des. Marion Venus
Fatigue & Performance Specialist
Pilot Mental Health Expert
Clinical & Aviation Psychologist
Kontakt: marion.venus (at) sunrise.ch

Venus, M. (2024). Rezension: van der Kolk, Bessel, Das Trauma in dir. Trauma & Gewalt, 18(3), 264–265. https://doi.org/10.21706/tg-18-3-264

My first book is available for purchase!
Pilots' Stress, Sleep, Fatigue and Mental Health by Dr. Marion Venus



How Duty Rosters and Stress Relate to Sleep Problems and Fatigue of International Pilots

"Short and Long-Haul Pilots’ Rosters, Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue,
Mental Health and Wellbeing" https://doi.org/10.3357/AMHP.5812.2021

Australian and EASA Based Pilots’ Duty Schedules, Stress, Sleep Difficulties, Fatigue,
Wellbeing, Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

Interactions of International Pilots' Stress, Fatigue, Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Common Mental Disorders and Wellbeing https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15394/ijaaa.2022.1667

How professional pilots perceive interactions of working conditions, rosters, stress, sleep problems, fatigue and mental health. A qualitative content analysis https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ERAP.2022.100762

Comparison of Schedules, Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue, Mental Health and Well-being of
Low Cost and Network Carrier Pilots.

 My Young investigator Award "finalist presentation" at the ASMA Scientific Meeting
is available here x

Next presentations 2014 to 2024:

Aerospace Medical Association's 94th Annual Scientific Meeting in Chicago, IL, USA; May 5 to 10, 2024
1. "
Reality Check: Overview of pilot stressors, backed up by recent headline-making incidents"
2. "Professional Pilots Report Significantly Higher Fatigue Levels than the Working Population"

8th World Congress on Anxiety, Depression and Stress Management scheduled during April 13-15, 2023 in Dubai, UAE: How Professional Pilots Perceive Interactions of Working Conditions, Rosters, Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue and Mental Health. A Qualitative Content Analysis

21st EAWOP Congress https://eawop2023.org/.
1. Pilots' Health and Flight Safety under Pressure, or 'It started with Fatigue'
2. Is the Theory of Allostasis Applicable to Pilots? Interactions of Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue, and Mental Health

Aerospace Medical Association's 93rd Annual Scientific Meeting at the Sheraton New Orleans,  LA, May 21-25, 2023
1. "Comparison of Schedules, Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue, Mental Health and Well-being
     of Low Cost and Network Carrier Pilots"
2. "Pilots' Stress, Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Common Mental Disorders and Wellbeing -
     Sliding down a dangerous path"
3. "Traps, Artefacts, Limitations and Opportunities of Mental Health Screening Instruments"



Cockpit: Luftfracht: Anhaltende Bedeutung

Der Germanwings-Crash und seine Konsequenzen: Lehren aus der Tragödie

 Member of SAJ / Swiss Aviation Journalists, AsMA & APA Member

Supervised Master Theses @ University of Berne, Switzerland

  1. Perceived Threats to International Professional Pilots’ Health and Aviation Safety: How Professional Pilots Explain Interactions of Working Conditions, Rosters, Stress, Sleep Problems and Fatigue and (Mental) Health -A Qualitative Content Analysis
    Master’s Thesis of Danja Greder, Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

  2. Unterschiedliche Arbeitszeitmodelle, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden – ein Vergleich in zwei Justizvollzugsanstalten in der Schweiz (Esther Odermatt)

  3. Auswirkungen von Schichtarbeit auf psychische Gesundheit – Die Rolle von Schlaf und Work-Life Conflict" (Lara Penfold)

  4. Simone Krummenacher: Shift work in health care - effects of working conditions on mental health

  5. Anastasia Orschler: A comparison between the general working population and commercial pilots - regarding fatigue, depression, burnout and sleep problems





  1. Swiss Aviation Journalists: Neue Risiken in der Flugsicherheit oder ‚The Elephant in the Cockpit‘

  2. May 23th, 2022: How professional pilots perceive interactions of working conditions, rosters, stress, sleep problems, fatigue and mental health. 92th Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association in Reno, NV, USA
  3. Sept. 24th, 2022: How Duty Rosters and Stress Relate to Sleep Problems and Fatigue of International Pilots. International Conference of Aerospace Medicine Paris 22-24 September 2022. Centre des Congrès de la Villette.

  4. 10.-12.11.2022: 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM) e. V. Vergleich Australischer und Europäischer Piloten bezüglich Einsatzzeiten, Stress, Schlafstörungen, Fatigue, Wohlbefinden, und psychoscher Gesundheit (Symptome von Depression/Angst): Schlafmedizin interdisziplinär

  5. 10.-12.11.2022: 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM) e. V.: Wechselwirkungen von Stress, Fatigue, Wohlbefinden, Befindens-Beeinträchtigungen, Depressions- und Angstsymptomen bei internationalen Piloten

  6. 10.-12.11.2022: 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM) e. V.: Poster, P16: Vergleich von Kurz- und Langstreckenpiloten bezüglich Einsatzplänen, Fatifue Risiken, Stress, Schlafprobleme, Müdigkeit, psychischer Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden

  7. 10.-12.11.2022: 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM) e. V.: Schlafmedizin interdisziplinär: Wie Einsatzpläne und Stress mit Schlafproblemen und Fatigue internationaler Piloten zusammenhängen

  8. 10.-12.11.2022: 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM) e. V.: Wie Berufspiloten Wechselwirkungen zwinschen Arbeitsbedingungen, Flug- und Einsatzzeiten, Stress, Schlafproblemen, Fatigue und psychischer Gesundheit wahrnehmen. Ein qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse


1. Presentation / Talk @ the virtual International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (USA): "Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue, Wellbeing and Mental Fitness of International Airline Pilots" May 18-21, 2021

2. Presentation at the Aerospace Medical Association's 91st Annual Scientific Meeting. "DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SHORT AND LONG-HAUL PILOTS’ ROSTERS, STRESS, SLEEP, FATIGUE AND MENTAL HEALTH". Denver, CO, USA; Aug. 23-28, 2021.


"Working Conditions, Fatigue and Health in Commercial Pilots" at https://pacdeff.com/ in Brisbane, Australia, Sept. 3-5, 2019

"Die dunkle Seite der kommerziellen Luftfahrt oder Wenn ein komplexes High Risk High Reliability System unter wirtschaftlichem Druck an seine menschlichen Grenzen stösst" am PSY Congress, Sept. 4-6, 2019, Kursaal Bern, Switzerland

Dead tired: Professional Pilots’ Working-Conditions, Duty-Times, Fatigue, Stress, Sleep-Problems and their Correlates in Mood, Mental Health and Wellbeing, ICASM 2019, 08-12 September, 2019, Debrecen, Hungary

Dead tired: Professional Pilots’ Working-Conditions, Duty-Times, Fatigue, Stress, Sleep-Problems and their Correlates in Mood, Mental Health and Wellbeing, DGLRM Conference in Bernlin Oct. 24-26,2019

Vortrag Seminar Universität Bern, Inst. f. Klin. Psychologie, Psychische Störungen bei Mitarbeitenden

"It Started with Fatigue … Airline Pilots Mental Health and Wellbeing under Pressure" Presentation at the Aerospace Medical Association's 90th Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, from May 5-9, 2019

2 presentations at the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, May 7-10, 2019 in Dayton, Ohio

1.  "Germanwings-Consequences" and
2. "It stated with Fatigue ..."

Resilience, Fatigue and Mental Health in High Risk High Reliability Organisations:
Swiss Police Psychologists' Training Course June 4th, 2019. Baden, AG, Switzerland.


Doktorands'-Colloquium @ University of Bern, Inst. for Clinical Psychology, Dec. 19, 2018, 16-18 p.m.

PSY Congress Bern, Switzerland, Sept. 5-7, 2018:
1. Germanwings Crash, its Consequences and the New EASA Rules regarding Pilot Mental Health
Correlates of Flight Time Limitations, Fatigue, Employment Conditions in Airline Pilots’ Mental Fitness

56. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der DGLRM, 18.-20.10.2018 in Speyer, Germany
Correlates of Flight Time Limitations, Fatigue, Employment Conditions in Airline Pilots’ Mental Fitness

2018 AAvPA Symposium – 7-9 November 2018, Sydney, Australia, Australian Avation Psychologists Association
Correlates of Flight Time Limitations, Fatigue, Employment Conditions in Airline Pilot’s mental fitness

http://icasm2018.com/ International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine, Nov. 11-15, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand: It Started with Fatigue ...

EBASCON Conference, Vienna, Feb. 20-21, 2018: Correlates of Flight Time Limitations, Fatigue, Employment Conditions and Airline Pilots? Mental Fitness


ICASM 2017 in Rome

DGLRM Congress 2017 in Cologne:

Human Performance and Limitations in Pilot Training – No Link between Classroom and Cockpit?

Presentations about the Germanwings-Crash and its Consequences:

14./15.02.2017 München, EBASCON Safety Konferenz
23.09.2016   Flugplatz LSZK (Fehraltorf)
16.09.2016  bei QCM in Bern 

Weitere Vorträge:

Swiss Association of Aeronautical Sciences www.svfw.ch: Presentation: Menschliche Leistungsfähigkeit und ihre Grenzen im Piloten Training, ETH Zürich

European Aviation Psychologists Association EAAP-Conference

2014: Presentation: Human Performance and Limitations in Pilot Training – validating theoretical knowledge in skill training

2012: Presentation: Mandatory Syllabus in Basic Pilot Training

2010: Tutorial with Capt. John Marques Mira (Air Mauritius): CRM – Where do we go from here?




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